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Coronaviracism in the U.S.A.

Black America’s COVID19 mortality rate is 2.4 times higher, than their white American counterparts. After George Floyd’s kerbside murder, the mortality rate of the average black guy in the street, must have shot up too. African-American communities feel like they’re fighting two pandemics at the same time, COVID19 and racism. As a church leader put it, ‘There's COVID-19 and there's COVID-1619 — the year when slavery came to America.’

Black America Can’t Breathe! Even before George was caught on camera, pleading to the white cop, ‘I CAN’T BREATHE!’, America was already fighting for air, facing its worst public health crisis for a generation. 100,000 Americans have failed to make it past the first six months of 2020. With a significantly larger proportion of that body count being black. Needless to say, the inherent racism within the American Health System doesn’t work in their favour.

If the Cops don’t get ya… With Coronavirus seeking out and then decimating African-Americans, black communities took to the streets in protest for George’s death. What had they got to lose? The dice are systematically loaded against them, ‘If a police officer’s bullet don’t get ya, the virus will!’ Across America it’s the same story, a disproportionate number of black deaths to white. As one health expert summed it up, ‘I don't think any of us are surprised, any time there's a crisis it's usually the most disadvantaged that feel the most impact.’

Social distancing? Yeh right! Social distancing is not exactly top of mind when you’re out on the streets, protesting. It was almost impossible for black workers anyway, as the jobs they hold don’t allow them to self-isolate. Few, if any had white collar positions that permit them to stay home, jump online and still cash a paycheque. They are just people necessary to keep society going: African Americans, Latinos and immigrants. Same story different day.

2nd Wave coming? There is real fear amongst black community leaders that a second wave of COVID19 is coming, especially in light of thousands of protesters running riot on the streets. A Minneapolis minister who chose to aid protesters with food, water, protective masks and hand sanitiser said, ‘People are very angry about what's happened to George Floyd, enraged even.’ People willing to put their lives on the line, just as pepper spray and tear gas is used to control crowds in the middle of an air-borne pandemic. Madness.

History repeating itself. It’s all too reminiscent of the race riots of the 60s, which some believe tipped the 1968 presidential election in favour of ‘Tricky Dicky’ Nixon, who ran on an ultra-right, law and order ticket. With research showing that violent, black protests significantly reduced white support for the Civil Rights Movement. Some fear that recent violent events could push white America, over to the Trump2020 bandwagon come November.

Playing into Donald’s hands? Some believe that the white backlash has already begun. With the real prospect of it propelling President Trump to a second term in the White House. The silent majority of white America has consumed thousands of images of black protesters burning and looting. Reinforces years of pre-existing views that black people have inherent criminal tendencies. A story that the media never tires of telling. 


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