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George & COVID19: Triggering a second American Civil War?

The first shots of a second American Civil War may have already been fired. COVID19 ravaged cities across the United States, still have George Floyd protesters on the streets, weeks after he was killed. Is indifference, bitterness, grievance and good old-fashioned hate, dividing America enough to mobilise combatants to a second American Civil War?

Telling Tweets. The Orange Man in The White House recently turned on his own Social Media Channel. Accusing Twitter of liberal bias, after they had the temerity to fact-check a Trump Tweet. ‘Social Media Platforms totally silence conservative voices. We will strongly regulate, or close them down.’ Spookily, the most telling Tweet wasn’t tapped out by small orange fingers but came from an Evangelical, Pastor Robert Jeffress. ‘If the Democrats are successful in removing the President from office, it will cause a Civil War which our Country will never heal.’ Scary s***!

North verses South? Not this time. So, who’ll be fighting who? Not North verses South for sure. You only have to look at recent events when a heavily armed group of Rural white boys, stormed Michigan’s State Capitol. Brandishing assault rifles and rocket launchers, they demanded that the State be reopened. This Second Civil War might not need conventional weapons at all. It’s already being waged by a microscopic enemy, thriving in reopened businesses, schools and sporting venues, in more densely populated Democratic-leaning Urban areas.

Trump: Poster boy for white privilege? So how did this Manhattan huckster, this over-privileged showman, bend the truth sufficiently to elevate himself as the second coming of Christ, to predominately Rural America? Search me! The South and Southwest, the Midwest and Mountain West are all Trump strongholds. All keen to reopen and go back to normal, in spite of Coronavirus showing no signs of slowing down. Even more worryingly, the resort-owning President can legally open States from the comfort of one of his penthouses.

Very Good People? In defence of the thugs that stormed the Michigan State Capitol, the President implored the Governor in a Tweet to ‘Put out the fire. These are very good people but they are angry. They want their lives back again, safely! See them, talk to them, make a deal.’ More than half the country who didn’t vote for Trump, is pretty sure the President will do anything to stay in power. Even fanning the flames of the ever growing Rural-Urban divide.

Ruralites verses Urbanites! There seems to be a growing feeling amongst those in Rural States, that they are victims of the larger, Urban States. A feeling that’s hung around since the cessation of hostilities in 1865. This has created regional State alliances, to purchase medical equipment, that Trump refused to sanction. A White House correspondent commented, ‘Years from now, if the Republic dissolves into many countries where there once was one, historians will take a long look at the regional State pacts, created to deal with the Coronavirus as the seeds for that outcome.’ This COVID-Civil War only highlights tensions between the ‘haves’ and ‘have-nots'.

Not helping your own? Democrats have been endeavouring to introduce legislation intended to address COVID19’S predilection for people from minorities. Democratic House Speaker, Nancy Pelosi demanded $1 Trillion in Federal Aid to help cash-strapped States. But Trump’s top brass sit on their hands and seem reluctant to help stricken African-American communities. It looks like many battles in the COVID-Civil War will be fought over taxpayer dollars.

Let Battle Commence. Battle lines are being drawn. The aggrieved of Rural America are armed and ready to go. AR-15 rifles and AT4 Rocket Launchers in hand, blood-red ‘Make America Great Again’ caps sit on closely cropped heads. Urban America is ready too, urban chic street gear with huge logos, topped off with a designer mask, in case there’s an Instagram selfie opportunity. If it’s anything like the first American Civil War, God help them all.


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