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Showing posts from November, 2020

Can The Man In The Coronavirus Mask save America?

Losing disgracefully was always going to be President Donnie’s reaction to coming second in a two-horse race. Unfortunately, the more The Orange One fails to recognise Denial is not a river in Egypt, the more Americans are going to be swept away by COVID-19’s rampage across the land of the free.  The Trump to Biden transition is like no other in history. Time is literally against the incoming Biden administration. The longer Donald obsesses about being a victim of a rigged election, the more of his fellow Americans aren’t going to see Christmas this year.  With Coronavirus claiming over 1,000 American lives every day, pleas from Biden’s team and groups of public health experts are getting increasingly desperate. The U.S. is heading towards a humanitarian crisis within its own borders with 11 million confirmed infections and a death toll that’s heading towards 250,000!  Doctor Anthony Fauci, America’s top infectious disease expert and subject to many a Trump verbal attack,...

COVID-America goes postal!

Tonight, Americans go to the polls, care of the United States Postal Service. The right will vote for another four years of President Trump, while the left of right will vote for other old white guy. Will this unique, pandemic postal vote prove fatal for the Orange one? We are hours away from finding out.  While election day is nearly upon us, COVID-19 has been surreptitiously sweeping through Red and Blues States in a most unbiased manner. The big question is, can the average Joe and Joanna in Main Street, U.S. vote fairly, without exposing themselves to the dangers of an indiscriminate killer.  November 3rd will see America’s fate, decided by a record number of votes cast by mail. Ballots have been distributed by a number of states to everyone eligible to vote. This Herculean task, labelled the ‘Postal Experiment’, is proving popular with voters, with almost 2/3rds saying they’d vote using them. Predictably, President Donald’s not buying it, referring to the postal vote as a...