Losing disgracefully was always going to be President Donnie’s reaction to coming second in a two-horse race. Unfortunately, the more The Orange One fails to recognise Denial is not a river in Egypt, the more Americans are going to be swept away by COVID-19’s rampage across the land of the free.
The Trump to Biden transition is like no other in history. Time is literally against the incoming Biden administration. The longer Donald obsesses about being a victim of a rigged election, the more of his fellow Americans aren’t going to see Christmas this year.
With Coronavirus claiming over 1,000 American lives every day, pleas from Biden’s team and groups of public health experts are getting increasingly desperate. The U.S. is heading towards a humanitarian crisis within its own borders with 11 million confirmed infections and a death toll that’s heading towards 250,000!
Doctor Anthony Fauci, America’s top infectious disease expert and subject to many a Trump verbal attack, says the President hasn’t attended a COVID meeting for ‘several months’. He also stressed the need for a smooth handover in this time of Coronavirus. ‘It's almost like passing a baton in a race, you don't want to stop and then give it to somebody’. Quite.
For the process of one administration to pass the reins of power to another administration, a peculiar thing called ‘ascertainment’ needs to be triggered. Without it, Biden’s incoming team can’t talk to Fauci and other top health officials about the pandemic’s spread and of course the rollout of the newly discovered vaccine. Carry on Donald Trump?
This political stalemate isn’t beneficial to anyone, least of all the American people. Some of the President-Elect’s team have likened the situation the U.S. finds itself in, to a terrorist attack. ‘We need to be prepared and in the absence of that critical data, there may be blind spots we're not able to anticipate and that leaves us quite vulnerable.’ Good luck explaining that to Donald!
A health expert from an American University of Medicine painted a pretty worrying future, saying that the number of American COVID deaths could jump from 1,000 a day, to a staggering 2,500 by January. Describing the present situation America finds itself as a ‘humanitarian catastrophe’, that President Trump was only making worse.
In this unprecedented time in American history, the victor of the 2020 Presidential Election has stressed that there can be no long-term economic recovery without first bringing COVID-19 under control. He stressed that good hygiene and the wearing of masks still needs be adhered to until vaccines become available in 2021.
While most of the Western World has accepted the result of the Election, President Trump is still finding it hard to come to terms with being a loser. Finding solace in tweeting furiously and playing rounds of golf. A kind of latter-day Nero, giving the world a tune on his fiddle, as his Rome burns in the flames of a virus from hell.
So, poor old Joe is faced with an impossible task. How do you get a 245lb Man-Child to take immediate action for the greater good? Unfortunately, to Donald Trump there is no greater good in the Universe, greater than the needs of the aforementioned Donald Trump. The result being, the mess America finds itself in now, is only going to be much worse when Joe takes over in January.
You have to hand it to Joe, he’s a trier, imploring the 45th President to concentrate on the Coronavirus emergency in hand and to take urgent action. ‘The crisis does not respect dates on the calendar, it is accelerating right now.’ Donald’s response? Holding a press conference and taking full credit for finding the vaccine. Well done Donald, let’s hope they broke the mould! x
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