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Donnie Darth-O, COVID19 and 4 more TRUMPet blowing years?

Should Donald Trump’s re-election campaign line be, ‘May The Farce Be With You’? In the run-up to the presidential election in November, the U.S. is quickly descending into farce. In

Georgia, traditionally a Republican stronghold, the Democrats chances of winning a special election were scuppered by COVID19, George Floyd protests, ballots failing to arrive, voting machines malfunctioning, provisional ballots running out and Uncle Tom Cobley and all! Carry On Up the Ballot Box!

Questions, questions! Will President Trump actually make it to November? The U.S. now has a record 2 million cases of COVID19, with a death toll of over 115,000 and rising. Civil unrest, with ‘Black Lives Matter’ protests are reminiscent of post Martin Luther King’s assassination, in 1968. As Trump’s tenure in the White House lurches from one crisis to another it will be viewed by history, as a low point of the Republic.

Is the System broken? Rumour has it that Republicans are prepared to lose the White House, as long as they keep a tight grip on the Senate. By holding the Senate, all they need do to block Democrat legislation, is hold 41 votes. In effect 41 senators will actually run America. They’re also counting on the courts, packed with pro-Trump judges, to carry on Donald’s agenda, long after he’s vacated 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

The Electoral College? Although Donald describes himself as the Popular President, he resoundingly lost the popular vote in 2016 to Hilary Clinton, by nearly 3 million votes. This time round he lags behind former Obama Vice-President, Joe Biden in the polls. He might be counting on the anachronistic Electoral College system to win him the Presidency again. Where to win the election, a candidate must receive a majority of electoral votes and not the popular vote. Confused? Thank God, we’re not American.

Can Donnie Darth-O do it again? Donald’s victory in 2016 although unlikely, was a triumph for conservative American values. Heralding a substantial swing in the judiciary, a relaxing of financial and environmental regulations and a total realignment of America’s role, in the world beyond its borders. It was like Darth Donnie holding America’s lenient left up off the floor, by the throat.

Joe (77) Verses Donald (74) As a life-long boxing nut, I apologise in advance for using boxing analogies. I know both combatants are septuagenarians but I think their upcoming bout, will be a classic of contrasting styles. For a start, the 2020 presidential campaign will be like no other, thanks to social distancing restrictions, as a consequence of Coronavirus. The campaign confined to TV studios, rather than gruelling, cross country schedules. Which let’s face it, will help both answer the final bell come November.

Can Smokin’ Joe Actually Win? Admittedly, Joe Biden will be taking on the King of Social Media and Twitter in particular, ‘Tweetin’ Donald Trump. This campaign will be fought on a digital battlefield but if Joe can get over his strong suit, empathy for others, he may stand a chance. Hopefully, he can sway voters looking for a leader to heal America’s wounds, as opposed to Donald, who’s spent four years pouring salt on them.

The Popularist Vote. Joe’s Democratic rivals need to come out in a united effort to get him elected. Meaning Buttigieg, Warren, Yang and Sanders need to sing loudly and often, from the same Democratic song sheet on local, national and partisan media. Joe must galvanise celebrity Democrats to share his ‘alternative-to-Trump-vision'. People with huge Social Media followings like Ariana Grande and Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson, both with upward of 180 million Instagram followers. Biden by a knockout, early! x


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