Trying to make sense of the car crash that is 2020, is a tricky business. Which is why conspiracy theories are born. From a laboratory manufactured bioweapon to tracker vaccines, that know what you had for breakfast. One man’s conspiracy theory is a trillion men’s misinformation. Clutching at straws is what human beings do, when our world is in meltdown.
In writing this piece I do not wish to trivialise the gravity of the situation we find ourselves in. The very nature of Social Media and the light speed a rumour, falsehood or fabrication, can whizz around the globe is frightening. I sincerely urge you to stay safe by continuing to practice good hygiene and physical distancing. As well as avoiding public gatherings and by isolating yourself, if need be. It’s a tough call but these are tough times.
So, in no particular order here are some of the more colourful Coronavirus conspiracies that are nuttier than Secret Squirrel doo-doo. First, as I’ve already mentioned, features a swarthy Bond Villain stroking his pussy. While delivering an Orwellian monologue about scientists cooking up a modern-day plague, to deliver Armageddon to the sinful masses. Baloney! There is overwhelming evidence that COVID19 is not man-made. If only President Tweet could tear himself away from his iPhone for a week or two.
Second up, is that bastion of free and progressive thinking, Iran. Trying to explain the highest number of deaths in Asia, next to China, their Supreme Leader went to his vast herd of scapegoats and produced Hitler’s favourite, the Jews. Apparently, COVID19 has been conjured up by Zionist sorcerers to summon demons in the form of a plague in a test tube. Bonkers!
Another religious nut-job, evangelical Pastor Rodney Howard-Browne, ranted that COVID19 was a ‘phantom plague’ designed to shut down churches. Encouraging his congregation to ignore social distancing and shake hands as they were ‘revivalists, not pansies’. His theory has Coronavirus as a population control master plan, instigated by the Rockefeller Foundation. Frightening people into vaccinations that would kill millions. Another Bond plot in the making?
The ‘Rich People Did It!’ theory is showcased in ‘Plandemic’, a slick piece of hokum that looks like a bone fide documentary. In it, a scientist named Judy Mikovits, takes a pot-shot at Allergy and Infectious Diseases director Anthony Fauci and Microsoft’s Bill Gates. Her unsubstantiated claims powerful men are manipulating Coronavirus to line their pockets. After these claims were fact-checked, Plandemic was pulled from Social Media for spreading misinformation.
Then there’s the rollout of 5G mobile phone technology, that instantly rolled into a classic technophobe, COVID conspiracy. Was it a coincidence that 5G was first trialled in Wuhan, the birthplace of COVID19? (This of course is untrue.) Was 5G a way to keep us all at home, while 5G was being installed? Or was 5G radiation actually the cause of the Coronavirus itself? The truth is humans have always been wary of new technologies. In 1903 there was ‘radiophobia’, in the 70s microwaves fried our brains and in the 90s 2G caused cancer. None of which stand up to scrutiny.
Then there’s the so-called ‘miracle drug’ hydroxychloroquine, which I’ve dedicated an entire blogpost to: This little-known malaria drug was studied in France, where its much-criticised findings were pounced upon by President Trump ‘as a game changer’. Subsequent clinical trials proved hydroxychloroquine gives no protection against COVID19 but can actually risk heart attacks. I’ll pass on that President Tweet.
Now we come to my own personal favourite, herd immunity. So much so, I’ve written two whole blogposts on the subject: And The upshot of herd immunity is in order to achieve it, approximately 60 to 90 percent of the population need to contract COVID19. Given the present COVID mortality rate, that would result in millions of deaths. No kidding!
You don’t need to look very hard on the internet to come across a COVID conspiracy theory. Some say Coronavirus is harmless or even that it doesn’t exist. Others have doctors questioning the number of Coronavirus cases or #FILMYOURHOSPITAL which implies COVID19 is a hoax. The trick to believing anything on the internet is trusting where it comes from. So be careful who you believe when it comes to your health and please try to avoid becoming another statistic. x
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